Saturday, July 28, 2012

My Happy List

Even when I think I've had an awful week, when I sit down and think about it, there's an entire list of good things Heavenly Father has blessed me with in a short seven days.
  • I made some new friends
  • I finally got to go to the beach

  • I was able to spend some time with my French roommate, Cassandra, and get to know her a little better
  • I found a 1910 printing of David Copperfield in great condition
  • I got a high-five from Stitch
  • I've been able to talk to Jared A LOT this week
  • Even though I messed up something with my Maingate, I had several friends offering to help me fix my problem
  • Instead of fixing my Canon Powershot A2200, Canon sent me a brand new one
  • I got a necklace I've been dying to have since I was 15
  • My temple prep class rocks
  • I got to have a pizza/movie night with Katey and Amanda
  • I took pictures of Daisy Duck for the first time
  • I met a character attendant who signs
  • I took some really great pictures for myself

  • I was able to make some really magical moments for some guests this week through photopass
  • We got new camera cables at work and now all of our uploading problems are GONE
  • A friend at work gave me the cheshire cat pin I've been trying to get all Summer
  • I get to give a talk in Sacrament tomorrow
This week I realized that when something bad happens, we start to really focus on just that. Or at least, I do. I've got to remember that there are so many other things in my life much more worth dwelling on. There's a lot more sunshine in Florida than there are clouds.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I'm Engaged!

We met last August sort-of by accident. He showed up at my apartment to pick up one of his sisters (my roommate) and introduced himself to me as I stood in the doorway wearing my Batman pajamas. In fact, every time after that for a couple of months, I was wearing my pjs. I slowly started to grow attached to his dashing good looks, honest conversations, and fabulous wit, and finally decided to do something about in February and asked him out on an unofficial date. Of course, it was a hit, because we got to draw dragons, eat pizza, and we both wore leather jackets. Can you imagine how differently this would have turned out had I worn my long, purple wool coat?

I often blame Supernatural for us becoming friends in the first place, but who's to say when we actually crossed that line? I do remember the exact moment I decided I was half-way in love with him. (Is that enough of an oxymoron for you? Let me explain.) I was having an absolute melt-down, and even though we'd only been "dating" for two weeks (no kiss yet!), and he had a mountain of a list of chores to do, he met me as I walked into my apartment, pulled me into a hug before I could say anything, and said, "Do you want to watch Supernatural, Last Airbender, or Lilo and Stitch?"

We're tying the knot on August 18th in the LDS Temple in Dallas, TX! Our honeymoon will be a roadtrip from Texas to Utah. It's going to be a BLAST. We're best friends, and I'm so excited to spend the rest of forever with him! Yes, it's sappy, but my life just became saturated with "fluffy love stuff."

Blame Jared.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Is he real?

Yesterday, I was taking pictures for Goofy when a boy of about 10 or 11 came up to me. He leaned in, glanced at his younger siblings, then whispered, "Is he real?" as he gestured to Goofy.

I leaned down and whispered back, "Of course he's real. Everything at Disney is, don't you know?" He frowned for a second, and then looked up at Goofy, as if trying to decide whether it really was him. "You just have to believe," I said in encouragement. He kept his eyes on Goofy, biting his lip.

When it was his turn, he tried to take his little brother to see Goofy, but he stayed put and pouted. "He's not real!" he whined, and stomped his foot.

The boy I'd talked to looked at me, then at Goofy, and grinned. "Sure he's real. See? Goofy, aren't you real?" Goofy nodded enthusiastically and waved.

He knelt down next to his brother. "I believe in Goofy. He's totally real. If I believe in him, don't you?" The little boy peered up at Goofy from under a large baseball cap and then at his brother, and shook his head yes.

The older boy smiled, took his brother's hand, and walked up to Goofy. The little one took off his hat, and held out a pen, saying, "Mister Goofy? Since you're real, can you sign my hat?"

Monday, May 28, 2012

My Photography 2006-2012

I'm really glad I did this, and it was definitely fun. Part of me looks at the pictures from 2006 and -07 and wish that I could go back to simpler times, when I just took pictures of everything and was endlessly entertained by photography. On the other hand, there is so much more that I can do now. I've discovered that I absolutely love portraiture. I've improved and learned more about my camera also, so now I can take a good raw picture, instead of putting it through photoshop and oversaturating and working on it so much that it loses all its original charm. I'm falling in love with photography all over again. That may be partly because of my new job at DisneyWorld, but it's also because of the encouragement that I get, and the ideas I have, the people I meet. Photography isn't just about me and my own gratification anymore. It's about telling a story and creating memories!

I just hope that I continue to improve. :)


Friday, March 23, 2012

Art and Jewelry Sale!

Art and Jewelry Sale
Glenwood apts #158
Be there or be square!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


My mom said something to me today that was just completely and utterly shocking to me.  She said, "It's just so boring here!"  She caught me so completely off guard with that statement that I could barely give her an answer.  Bored?  Bored?!  I'm not raggin' on my momma here, ladies and gents.  It just got me thinking.

Right now, in the artistic state of mind I've been in all day ("OOH! I want to make that! Oh, and that would be really cool... Hey, that's a great idea!"), I'm thinking there are just too many things to do in this world to get bored!  I mean, for one, there's Pinterest!  Pinterest is so full of goodies.  I could never get bored there.  Even better than that, however, is actually doing the things people blog/post/pin about!  Make some heart-shaped cupcakes and use the whipped icing tutorial.  Buy a book from the thrift store and use its pages to make a flipping awesome lantern.  Glue crayons to a canvas and melt them.  Make a scarf out of a t-shirt.  Draw a picture!  Read a book!  Learn a new recipe!  Build a bookshelf!  Design a house (MOM)!

Maybe it comes with being an art major.  Maybe it just comes with just being me.  I just know that, personally, there aren't enough hours in the day to be bored, let alone do everything I want to--or even half the things I want to do.

So, moral of the story...  Get up and DO something!

Oh, and--I love you, Mommy. :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012


I don't usually take New Year's Resolutions seriously.  There's the staples... spend more time outside, lose some weight, read more, blah blah blah.  Those aren't bad goals, I just don't stay motivated.  My resolutions last about six hours, and then I'm eating another piece of chocolate.

This year, however, I decided on one that I really, really want to do.  I know it's going to be hard, but accomplishing things is very important for me.  I think that's what's starting to help me with my lazy slowness in life: starting and finishing projects.  One thing at a time.

The idea isn't to end up with 365 masterpieces.  That is just not realistic thinking.  The point is to practice.  You know the saying.  Also, according to Matthew 25, I'm supposed to develop my talents.  I could be a much better photographer than I am.  I intend to reach that potential.

If you want to follow along with me on this project, click here to look at the blog I created specifically for this.  It's called "I AM."  Each day, I'll post a picture with a title that completes the sentence.  For example, "I AM a Dentonite."

So, what are you going to do this year?  Resolutions, or no?